Breast ultrasound is a non-ionizing imaging technique that uses sound waves to produce images of the internal structures of the breast. It can be used as an adjunctive tool for mammography, particularly in women with dense breasts or those who have implants. Ultrasound can help detect cancers that are not visible on mammograms due to their location or density.
Breast MRI is another non-ionizing imaging modality that uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of the breast. It can detect cancers that are not visible on mammograms, especially in women with dense breasts or those at high risk for breast cancer. The technology has shown promising results in detecting cancers earlier than mammography.
Although there is not definitive proof that an MRI can save your life, it could potentially lead to better outcomes for those at high risk. The advantages of breast MRI include: a more comprehensive assessment of the breasts, especially in women with dense breasts; detection of multifocal or multicentric cancers; and the ability to monitor the response to neoadjuvant therapy.
Breast ultrasound and breast MRI are valuable alternatives to mammography for breast cancer detection. While mammography remains an essential tool in breast cancer screening, these modalities can help overcome the limitations of mammography and potentially lead to better outcomes, especially for women at high risk.
Radiologue, Paris, France
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